To create a new product for online ordering, you will need to access Store Management > Product Catalog in Lab 50. On the left-panel, click on the New button, and you will be prompted to select the type of product you would like to create and enter a name and price for the product. If you are creating a Membership Plan or Purchase Plan, the information entered in the Description box is the information that will be displayed on your website when the customer selects to purchase a Membership Plan or Purchase Plan.

Creating a new product

There are several types of products, and the settings for a given product will depend on its type. The product types include the following:

Once you have entered the necessary information, click the OK button. The next screen will prompt you for additional information such as the product height/width, DPI, product weight (for calculating shipping, if applicable), and fulfillment type you'd like to use for processing orders. Please keep in mind that the fulfillment type you select may require additional configuration.

You may also specify whether or not a template should be applied to the product and which templates are available for the product using the Styles tab. Lastly, the Price Tiers tab allows you to specify multiple price points as the quantity of a particular product ordered increases. When you have completed the product setup, click on the Save Changes option on the left panel to complete setup.

Editing Product Information

General tab Settings

**Note: Even with metric products, the correct height and width is set in inches.

Layout tab Settings:

The Layout Tab allows for the importing of a layout xml file to apply to the product before it is sent to the selected fulfillment option. As an example, one could add a layout xml file that applies a one inch border on either side of an image. (ex. 8x10 print is sent as an 8x12 with a border on the left and right sides). To select the template file used, click on the Import button in the bottom, right corner and choose the properly formatted XML file to apply.

Price Tiers tab Settings

Every product can be configured for quantity pricing discounts for your customers. For example, one 4x6 print is $0.19, but if a customer purchases 10 or more, a discounted price of $0.17 is applied by offering an 11% discount.

To set up a tiered product pricing, please do the following:

  1. Click on the Add button within the Price Tiers tab.
  2. Set the Minimum products to 10 and Price to $0.17. The discount percentage is calculated automatically based on the base price.
  3. Click the OK button to save your price tier. You can edit existing price tiers by clicking the Edit button.
  4. Repeat for any additional price discounts you wish to setup based on quantity.
  5. When complete, click on the Save Changes option on the left panel.